If He Loses Election, Trump Tells Rally, 'We're Not Going To Stand For It'

The only presidential election Donald Trump will accept as legitimate is the one he wins, he told a crowd of supporters Friday night at a rally in Virginia. If he loses in November, Trump declared, ”We’re not going to stand for it.” 

Trump’s speech in Newport News was the latest ominous sign that he may refuse to leave office if he’s voted out. Asked at a press conference Wednesday if he would “commit to a peaceful transferal of power” if he lost the November election, Trump said ominously: “Well, we’re going to have to see what happens.”

Trump declared Friday that the only way he’ll lose the election is if the Democrats cheat.

“We’re not going to lose this except if they cheat,” Trump told the crowd. “Our country is at stake.” 

“We do want a very friendly transition,” he said. “But we don’t want to be cheated, and be stupid, and say, ‘Oh, let’s transit.’ We’ll go and we’ll do a transition, and we’ll know that there were thousands and thousands of ballots that made the difference through cheating. We’re not going to stand for it.”

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