Building an Amazon Customer List with Facebook Messenger

Chatbots are emerging as a powerful way for businesses to engage with customers. Most Amazon brands, however, have little interactions with customers. By now, it’s no secret that an email list can be a powerful asset for a brand to succeed on and off Amazon. A Messenger list can be an equally valuable asset – in fact, Messenger is more engaging and interactive than email.

Below we will discuss some strategies for Amazon sellers to build up a Messenger list, and how to use chatbots to boost Amazon rankings, generate reviews and engage with customers.

Why Messenger and Chatbots

Selling on Amazon has some tremendous advantages, but it does not come without downsides. Amazon gives its sellers access to millions of buyer-ready consumers, but when a sale is made, it’s Amazon’s customer not yours. They encourage dog-eat-dog competition between sellers. And it’s quite difficult to build customer loyalty. For instance, Amazon does not give you access to customer emails and explicitly prohibits sellers from sending marketing communications to customers.

This is why Messenger and chatbots are such a great opportunity for Amazon sellers. When a customer subscribes to your Messenger bot, they are starting a conversation that could turn into a very valuable, long term relationship.

Instant messaging is how people today (especially young people) communicate with their friends and family. And Messenger is the #1 messaging app in the United States. So by interacting with customers in this platform, you are establishing your business in a very personal, engaging way.

The statistics on Messenger show just how engaging the platform is for business-consumer relationships. On average, Messenger gets open rates almost 4X that of email. And click-through rates of 5-6X that of email.

Perhaps the best part about Messenger is the level of interaction that can be automated. As you collect more data, you can iterate your bot to anticipate the concerns of your customers.

How to Build Your Messenger List for Amazon

Here are 3 ways to start building your Messenger list for Amazon right now.

Run Messenger JSON Ads to Distribute Amazon Coupons

You can use Facebook Messenger to deliver single-use promotion codes for Amazon. This is a great incentive to get a cold audience subscribed to your bot. And in the process you will be boosting your sales velocity and, thus, increasing your keyword rankings on Amazon, which will result in more organic traffic to your listings.

With a JSON ad tool built specifically for Amazon sellers, it is super easy to create chatbots to deliver promo codes and follow up for reviews. When someone clicks on your Messenger Facebook Ad, it will open up a conversation directly within Messenger for them to claim a coupon. Keeping the conversation within Facebook helps keep conversion costs low.

Amazon Coupon Delivery via Facebook Messenger

Alternatively, you can use a general purpose chatbot tool, like ManyChat or MobileMonkey, and integrate with Google Sheets to deliver promo codes.

Once someone interacts with your bot in Facebook Messenger (by clicking the button to Claim a Coupon), they are subscribed to your list. (They can unsubscribe at anytime). Now you can follow up with them, via an automated bot, to ask for reviews!

Request Amazon Reviews Via Facebook Messenger Chatbots

You can also hit them up with useful content, future promotions and easily launch new products to a warm list going forward.

Get People on Your Email List to Subscribe to Messenger

Another way to grow your Messenger list for Amazon is to send an offer to your email list. ManyChat & other Messenger bot tools allow you to create growth tools that send content through Messenger. For an Amazon-specific tool, you can use a landing page that offers a discount code for Amazon and delivers the code through Messenger.

Send Amazon coupon codes via Facebook Messenger chatbots

This is similar to the Messenger ad chatbots shown above, but instead of opening up the chatbot directly from a Facebook Ad click, the chat is opened from a click on the landing page call-to-action button.

Having customers on both an email list & Messenger list allows you to contact them in multiple ways. Some people will prefer one medium over the other, so this will help ensure your messages reach them and increase your bottom line.

Use Product Insert Cards with QR Codes to Grow Your Messenger List

A third option for growing your Messenger list is with product insert cards. By including a QR code on the card, you can encourage people to sign up to receive a warranty (or some other valuable offer) by scanning the QR code. Put the card in the product package and every customer will receive it with purchase.

Using Your Messenger List

With a chatbot tool like Many Chat, you can use your Messenger list in much the same way as an email list. Except Messenger has the added benefit of chatbots, which are more interactive than email campaigns.

The highest value use for Amazon sellers would be a launch list. Having built up a sizable list (ie 2,000 subscribers +), every time you launch a new product, or want to boost rankings for an existing product, you can send a broadcast to your Messenger list with an Amazon promotion.

You can also use Messenger to send a newsletter, similar to email marketing. Every so often, send your useful content to your audience, curate other content from around the web and alert your list of exciting news.

It’s a good idea to integrate your Messenger & email strategy so they work together. For instance, if you might send your newsletter via email, and use Messenger for limited-time promotions and follow-ups on things like shipping confirmations and customer support.

Final Thoughts: Messenger Marketing for Amazon Sellers

Facebook Messenger & chatbots are here to stay. And they provide Amazon sellers an excellent opportunity to boost performance on Amazon, while building an audience of raving fans for long-term brand growth. Get your Messenger chops going before your competitors do!

[Learn More About Messenger Marketing For Amazon Sellers here]

from Business 2 Community
