How to Build a Strong Landing Page Your Customers Will Love

As a business owner, your landing page is the key to unlocking sales, acquiring new customers, and increasing your company’s ROI. When done right, your landing page can astronomically boost conversions and further your reach by grabbing visitors’ attention and showcasing your product value. Without a solid landing page, your business is missing out on potential leads and revenue.

According to WishPond, landing pages have an average conversion rate of 13 percent. Your conversion rate can be higher with enough optimization and research.

A landing page has one purpose, and that’s to convert visitors into loyal, paying customers or capture leads. It should have such an effect on users that they’re compelled to take action after scrolling through and seeing all the wondrous benefits your product has to offer. Its design should be clean and responsive as well as easily navigable.

Creating a successful landing page can be tricky, so if you’re in the midst of creating one for your business, here are a few ways to help you get started.

Craft compelling copy

If users click through to your landing page and aren’t enticed by what they’re reading or seeing, you can bet they’ll hit the exit button pretty quickly. If you want to keep their attention, you need to craft copy for your landing page that compels them and shows them why investing in your products will improve their life and state of mind.

There are normally three main components in landing page copy:

  • Headline
  • Subtext
  • Body copy

Your headline sets the tone for the rest of your content, so it’s important that it grabs readers’ attention. It has a bigger font size than the rest of your copy and usually includes a benefit or solution.

Subtext is optional and doesn’t appear on all landing pages. It’s the text placed directly beneath the header that gives a little more detail about the product or its benefits and convinces visitors they should convert.

The body copy should explain your product’s value — which we will dive into in a second — while proving that value. You can do this through full paragraphs, bullet points, checklists, etc. Keep the text simple, straightforward, easy to understand.

Explain your product’s value

This is a no-brainer when creating a landing page, but it’s absolutely crucial if you want to bring in tons of new conversions. Without properly explaining the value your products and services brings to potential customers, you aren’t selling them. They have no reason to purchase from you or hand you their email address if they don’t feel like they’re getting anything valuable in return.

It’s important to emphasize the benefits of your product right away. Explain how your content will improve the lives of your audience or provide a solution to their problem. It’s better if you can be specific and include a statistic from your analytics.

Simplify forms

It’s simple: if you want to collect more leads, make the process of doing so easier for users. No one wants to spend an entire five minutes filling out personal information when all they want is the offer promised behind it. The more obstacles you put in place, the fewer happy customers you’ll get. That’s why you need to create a simple yet effective contact form on your landing page.

A recent 2019 survey by HubSpot found that the average length of a form is around five form fields. The less complicated you make it for users to sign up, the easier it’ll be to capture leads. Keep it simple by including five fields or less in your contact form.

Display social proof

Social proof marketing is when you use the recommendations and reviews of other customers or clients to prove your credibility as a brand. If a large majority of people endorse a product or service, that means it must have value, and this leads users to believe they need it too.

Some examples of social proof include:

  • Client testimonials
  • Customer reviews
  • Brand logos
  • Influencer or celebrity endorsements
  • Number of shares, views, engagements
  • Certificates or awards

Create a CTA

It’s important that your call to action or CTA serves its purpose, which is to tell your audience what you want them to do next. This could be signing up for your email list, purchasing a product, visiting more blog posts, and more. A CTA can be a hyperlink, button, or image.

The more personalized you can make your CTA copy, the better your results will be. Research by HubSpot proves that personalized CTAs convert 202 percent higher than generalized ones, so optimizing them to fit your target audience is worth the extra time and money.

Make the offer specific to the user. Write it in the first person so the user can envision themselves taking that action. For example, instead of saying “Download now” or “Sign up,” you could entice them by saying “Give me my ebook” or “Sign me up for my benefits.”


It’s difficult to bring customers to your business if you don’t have a strong landing page that speaks to its audience. Landing pages should compel your viewers and make them feel excited to try your products and services. It should convince them that your brand has the solution they’ve been looking for and the answers to their questions. Your landing page is worth every second and dollar that’s spent on it because of its ability to skyrocket conversions with one webpage. How will you create your next successful landing page?

from Business 2 Community
