8 Effective B2B Lead-Generation Strategies for Your Blog

In the modern digital marketing landscape, it takes as many as 13 touch points to turn a target visitor into a qualified lead. An estimated 57% of the buyer’s journey happens before the business buyer reaches out.

Numbers like these, along with the real people behind them, emphasize a very important point. You need an intentional, conversion rate optimized system to convert a blog visitor into a viable lead.

Without it, it’s impossible to get a healthy ROI on your business blogging efforts.

Are you struggling to get measurable results with your blog? These 8 B2B lead-generation strategies will help you maximize your blogging ROI.

  1. The UX-Friendly Popup

Who here hates pop-ups?

There’s not a single more effective way to drive your target audience away with record speed. But when a pop-up demonstrates that you value user experience, it becomes a very effective tool for B2B lead-generation.

Instead of the lightbox that appears when someone enters the page, put your popup on a delay. Give someone an opportunity to browse your blog first.

A Nielsen Norman Group study found that blog articles experience a negative aging effect. The longer you can keep someone on the page, the less likely they are to leave.

Getting the target audience invested quickly keeps them on the page. Showing a B2B lead-generation form too soon disrupts this critical dwell time.

Create the perfect balance of information and promotion to earn that lead.

It doesn’t take long since over 1/2 of people are skimming the blog for specific, useful information rather than reading top to bottom. But what is the ideal time to show that popup?

Turn to your page analytics to find out. How long does the average person stay on the page? Set your popup to appear 60% into the average visit time. Or show them a “before you go” popup as they’re leaving the website.

  1. In-Depth Case Study

Do you have a client case study that your target audience will find useful? Take this opportunity to showcase the results you can get for clients. Take them step-by-step through how you did it. Demonstrate the value of your service.

Keep only your most proprietary trade secrets and share the rest. Your target lead may download the case study intending to do it themselves. But we all know that learning how to do something and doing it are two different things.

Offer the downloadable case study in exchange for an email, name, job role and company. Keep that form short. You can get more information later for email segmentation and nurturing.

Entice the visitor with the results. Offer to tell them how you did it like this:

We Quadrupled This Client’s Qualified Leads in just 6 months.

Find Out How We Did It!

  1. Valuable Report

A well-researched market report is invaluable to a potential lead. It’s hard to pass up. There’s a ton of information to be found online for free. But industry-specific, consumer analytics and other insights aren’t so easy to find. And the analysts who own them understand their value.

They charge accordingly.

When you make this sought-after information free in exchange for contact information, you not only generate a viable lead. You get this otherwise casual visitor invested in your brand, expertise and client results.

  1. Useful eBook

The downloadable eBook can very easily be thought of as “played out”. They’ve been used for lead-generation for years. And honestly, most of the eBooks that people offer are little more than a glorified blog post.

In order for an eBook to be an effective B2B lead-generation tool, it must:

  • Contain information people can’t find for free, or easily, online
  • Be well-organized, formatted and designed
  • Share expert insight and strategies that a person uses to get instant results
  • Be long enough (but not too long) so that your prospect feels they received a value

Quality is more important than quantity. But quantity in a no fluff format will appear to be of greater value than an over-simplified piece of content. A minimum of 10K words is ideal for a lead generating eBook.

It’s short enough that someone will likely read most of it. But it’s long enough to demonstrate that you value this prospect’s time and interest.

  1. Best of Your Blog

As a business blogger, you’re likely following blogging best practices to improve your SEO and lead-generation capabilities. You’re publishing several blog articles a week. Many of them are likely the recommended 2000+ words of information-rich content needed to rank well in search engines.

These blog articles are great for your website visibility and engagement. But they can also make it harder for a person who follows your blog to find what they’re looking for when they’re looking for it.

Convert this fan into a paying client with the right B2B lead-generation strategies in place.

Create a helpful document that leads people to exactly what they’re looking for. Add each of your blogs to a category.

These may be your blog’s categories. Or they may drill down to be even more helpful in navigation.

Include 50-100 word summaries for each blog. In most cases, these will be your H2 headings.

Once downloaded, a person can search for keywords in the document. They can click a link to go straight to the content.

  1. Add-On Services

Add-on services or products entice people to sign up. Offer the visitor a free upgrade for an existing or future service when they sign up.

Send them the redemption information automatically. Be sure to put an expiration date on it to shorten the lead-nurturing cycle. But don’t make it so short that they unsubscribe when you send your first communication.

  1. Free Trial

A free trial or downloadable with in-app purchases is another great way to collect a lead through your business blog.

This no-obligation micro-conversion gets people more invested in your brand. It prepares the way toward a full conversion.

Offer the full version for a limited time. Or give them select features that showcase your brand. Offer them a compelling discount toward the end of the trial option to stop sales funnel leaks. Make buying it now a no-brainer.

  1. Lead-Generating Blog Topics

It all starts with the topics you cover in your blog. You can write the most compelling social media headlines possible. But if the topics aren’t those that your target is looking for and wants to click, any B2B lead-generation efforts will fall flat.

The top of the funnel is broken and in need of repair.

Choose topics that:

  • Uniquely appeal to your target buyers
  • Address their common challenges
  • Answer their questions
  • Help them get a quick result
  • Reach then at various stages in the buyer’s journey to becoming a customer
  • Are built around their common search engine queries

Explaining your services or what you do is always secondary to your buyer’s needs in the critical top-of-funnel. Research your target to determine what blog topics to cover.

Optimize Your Blog for B2B Lead-Generation

You’re well on your way to maximizing your blog’s lead-generation power. Only use user-friendly popups. Showcase the results you get for clients through an in-depth case study. Create an eBook that your prospect can instantly use to get results. Get them invested in your brand with a free trial.

For more actionable tips to maximize your marketing efforts, follow this blog.

from Business 2 Community https://ift.tt/2Pk0vDa
